
Ministries & Missions

God calls us to Love in Action. It is our way of answering an unanswered need, whether in our congregation, community, nation, or world. It is how we live our faith.

This church has missions and ministries to fit almost every interest, passion, and time restraint. Helping hands are always welcome! We hope you are called to a mission currently in place but if not, let us know your passions, and we’ll see how we can better serve together. The list below reflects our current ministries! Click here to learn about Camden UCC’s history of service to our community.

Heavenly Threads
and SOS Room

The Heavenly Threads Thrift Shop and SOS Room missions of the First Congregational Church support the community in two ways. Entirely dependent on donations, the sale of quality home goods and clothing at Heavenly Threads raises money—after expenses for the staff and shop costs—which is shared with the community and local non-profits through the Church’s Outreach Committee. Still usable items that are not to be sold at Heavenly Threads are made available at no cost at SOS during a weekly scheduled open-door time, and in emergencies, as needed.

Whether the goods you donate find their way to Heavenly Threads Thrift Shop or the SOS Room, be assured that everyone who comes in is treated in the same compassionate, caring and non-judgmental way. All are welcome!

The Heavenly Threads Thrift Shop at 57 Elm Street, Camden, will be temporarily closed to shoppers while church leadership continues to develop a sustainable, synergistic model for the future. The goal is to re-open Heavenly Threads as soon as is feasible. Individuals and organizations wishing to make donations to Heavenly Threads may continue to do so on the following schedule: Mondays and Wednesdays: 9 am to 11 am; Tuesdays: 6 am to 11 am; and Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays: 5 pm to 7 pm. Please take items to the blue door on the parking lot side of the building during these days and hours.

The Shields Mission Project

20th Anniversary, 2002–2022

The Shields Mission Project works cooperatively with local social services agencies, providing assistance to Knox County and Lincolnville residents in financial crises.

Project funds provide direct aid to individuals and families with payments made to the service providers. Examples include warmth (fuel & electricity), shelter, automotive repairs, health care (medical, dental, vision), education, and home maintenance for safety issues.

This is a referral-based program. Requests are brought by a client’s Case Manager to our Shields Mission Project Administrator, Jeanne Denny (contact info below). Our criteria are simple:

  • Client lives in Knox County or Lincolnville.
  • Client has a specific need that he or she cannot meet.
  • Referring agency has determined that other appropriate sources have been sought and funding is not available from established sources (Federal fuel assistance funding, General Assistance, Section 8 housing, etc.).
  • The request is concise and clearly thought out when presented.
  • A specific dollar figure has been established.
  • Referring agency cannot provide sufficient financial aid to handle the cost and will seek to share costs where possible.

You may donate directly to the Shields Fund by going to the DONATE button found at the top of the page or send a check to the church with “Shields Mission Fund” in the memo. Your generosity to help people with acute need is much appreciated.

For further information or to request assistance for a client please contact Jeanne Denny (236-4821 x6) or, First Congregational Church UCC, 55 Elm Street, Camden, ME 04843.

Prayer Shawls

In 2006 a small group began meeting each week to knit and crochet prayer shawls together and quickly became a beloved ministry for our church. Prayers and blessings take place while the shawls are in progress. All completed shawls are formally blessed before they are gifted. A beautiful card is attached to each shawl which includes a prayer and the name of the person who made it. The first shawl was given to Jim Pitman (crocheted by Debbi Hitchings) during that first year. To date over 880 shawls have been blessed and gifted to people near and far.

A knowledge of knitting or crocheting is not essential; there is always someone around the table to help. Out of this ministry has emerged a vital, growing group who weave both yarn and close friendships. As one participant put it, “When we’re together we laugh and share stories and love each other.”

Shawls come in many colors and patterns. The materials are provided through donations from the congregation and the wider community.

Anyone can request a shawl for anyone they know. To request a shawl or for more information, please contact the church office (207-236-4821).

The Prayer Circle

A dedicated group of members and friends provides a confidential ministry of prayer. We pray for people facing surgery, diagnosed with cancer and other illnesses, for families dealing with grief, mental illness, addictions, and depression. We pray for people and situations around the world, and we pray for pets too. No request is too large or too small.

There is a list of the prayer circle members in the church office (207-236-4821) and anyone on that list can start a prayer request. You can also reach us by email: Becky Brace, Rev. Ute Molitor, Rev. Patty Fox or Wendy Wickenden. The one requirement for making a request is that if you are requesting a prayer on behalf of another, please get their permission first. We take confidentiality very seriously.

You do not need to be a member of the church to join this circle of care. The wider our circle, the stronger our prayers. Please contact any of the above for further information.

Camden Area Christian Food Pantry

The Camden Area Christian Food Pantry is an ecumenical outreach supported by five area churches: Chestnut Street Baptist, John St. United Methodist, Our Lady of Good Hope Catholic, St. Thomas’ Episcopal, and our First Congregational Church UCC. The food pantry serves the communities of Appleton, Camden, Hope, Islesboro, Lincolnville, Rockport, Searsmont, Union, Washington, and all others in need. The pantry is located at 128 Mount Battie Street (Camden) and open on Tuesdays (8–11 am) and Thursdays (4–6 pm).

Three ways to help:

  1. Volunteer, give a donation or drop off food by contacting CACFP directly or fill out this form.
  2. Serve on the pantry board! Currently Deb Endl, Gayle Palmer and Rick Rector serve on behalf of our church. To learn more contact the church office (207-236-4821).
  3. Make a food donation to our very own Little Food Pantry outside the Heavenly Threads/SOS building. This mini pantry was built by Zachary Dorr, Troop 200, for his Eagle Scout project in 2017. As with the Camden Area food pantry, anyone in need is invited to help themselves to the contents.

If you can provide food donations, these can be dropped off at HT or the church during open hours. We are so grateful to all of the angels, secret and known, who supply our Little Food Pantry.

The Dove Tree

For decades, The Dove Tree ministry has helped make wishes come true for many families in our community. Working under the auspices of the church’s Outreach Committee, a small group of dedicated volunteers coordinate with the guidance office of our local middle and elementary schools to learn of families needing a boost of generosity to brighten the holidays.

For several years, members and friends of our congregation have risen to the call of The Dove Tree to provide gifts of toys, clothing, and more recently cash to fund grocery store gift cards for those in need. In 2023, more than 20 families were served through The First Congregational Church of Camden’s Dove Tree. If this sounds like a ministry you’d like to support, contact the Church Office at 207-236-4821.


Faith & Public Issues

The First Congregational Church UCC of Camden holds discussions to deepen understanding of how our faith can respond to political crises. Working with Midcoast churches, social service agencies and the public, an overview of difficult or controversial topics is given by content experts, often via publications, online offerings, or Zoom sessions. This is followed by an open non-partisan discussion, ending with suggested action plans. We hope to educate and move participants to become activists for issues that match their personal values. These talks are free and open to members of all faith communities and the wider public.

Forums to date: Fake News & the Media, Bi-partisan Election Information on Candidates & Information on Voting, Immigration and Refugees, Climate Change, Access to Quality Health Care, Preventing Gun Violence, Opiate Addiction, and Islam in Maine.

Possible Future topics: Poverty, Managing Difficult Political Conversations, and Prison Reform.

Anyone who would like to participate in these discussions should contact Roy Hitchings or Mark Burrows.

Higher Ground Coffee Teams

Higher Ground is the ministry where friendships are brewing!

After worship each week, a rotating group of over 70 volunteers provides hospitality for all to enjoy. Coffee, tea and food both nourish and give us time to get to know one another better. It takes many volunteers to make this ministry work. Teams take responsibility for setting up, preparing drinks, serving, and cleaning up, building their own friendships in the work together! Teams rotate approximately every three months and substitutions are possible as your schedule changes.

This is a great way for newcomers, members and friends to meet each other and strengthen connections within our church. To become a part of this essential ministry, contact Fred Bucklin.

Celebrating LGBTQIA+ Justice

Our church went through a transformative process to be certified as an Open and Affirming church, committing to welcome, affirm and celebrate LGBTQIA+ justice. With a shared sense of doing what is right we voted to become an ONA church and adopted this declaration on September 22, 2013:

The First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, Camden, Maine is an Open and Affirming congregation, embracing diversity and affirming the dignity and worth of every person.

Because we are all created in God’s image we welcome into full membership and participation in the Body of Christ persons of every race, ethnic background, age, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, socioeconomic background, marital status and faith background.

We welcome everyone to share in all aspects of our church life.

Since then, we have come a long way in understanding the significance of these words. We are welcoming, open and affirming. We have nondiscrimination policies in all the above tenets. But that is not enough and there is deep yearning in the congregation to further embody the words of our statement—to be transformed in relationship with all people.

We look forward to all who join us on this journey.

Cake and Community


In January 2024 our church unveiled a new series of weekly lunchtime gatherings called Cake and Community. An entirely volunteer-driven effort, Cake and Community has been embraced as a social gathering hub by citizens seeking conversation and companionship during the bleak months of the year, convening every Wednesday from 12 noon to 1 pm in the Pilgrim Room.

Originally slated to run January through March, the program grew in popularity over these initial months, and as a result the organizers decided to extend Cake and Community through April 24, 2024. Each Wednesday a team of volunteers hosts the gathering and provides desserts and hot beverages. Attendees are encouraged to bring lunch if they wish. On occasion, mini sessions of Reiki prayer are also offered in the Mayflower Room. All are welcome to join us for Cake and Community!

Based on the positive feedback, Cake and Community will likely become an annual offering. Would you like to get involved? Stay tuned for updates later in the year.

For 15 years, The First Congregational Church hosted Soup’s On!, a weekly soup lunch between late fall and early spring. That program was halted in March 2020, due to the Covid pandemic. After careful consideration post-pandemic, the volunteers concluded that the soup lunch structure was not sustainable. Seeking a less labor-intensive offering to fill the void, Cake and Community emerged from these thoughtful deliberations.

Heavenly Threads
and SOS Room

The Shields Mission Project

Prayer Shawls
Prayer Circle
Food Pantry
Dove Tree
Faith & Public Issues
Higher Ground Coffee Teams
Open & Affirming (ONA)

Cake and Community